Dr. Kevin Marino


Be a Self-Care Pro: A First Look at Protective Factors

I absolutely love to be woken up in the wee hours of the morning from a deep sleep!!!! Don’t you! You know what…don’t answer that because some of you do… That will never be the truth for me. . .no matter how much I love this work!  In child protection/adult protection social work, most of us have …

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Children Growing Up in a Battlefield…(home)

People do not set out to fall in love and start families with any expectations that a barren abusive life or death awaits them. Of the victims that fall to emotional, spiritual, cognitive, and even physical harm, children never imagine or dream that such outcomes could befall them from the hands of those they love. Domestic …

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The Cost of CPS Cases Going Outside of Time Frame

I may end up embarrassing myself a bit here, but the story and the topic in this post are incredibly important to consider in child protection services. OK. . .confession #1. I recall sitting in my supervisor’s office staffing all 16 of my open investigations. I was ready to close several and a handful of others …

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Children’s Advocacy Studies (CAST) in Mississippi

The goal of the Zero Abuse Project can be realized by providing students with real-world experience in a classroom setting. Children’s Advocacy Studies (CAST) places emphasis on developing a students’ understanding of the elements that drive child maltreatment. The hope is for students to learn about the various professional responses to child maltreatment and for them …

Children’s Advocacy Studies (CAST) in Mississippi Read More »

Decision Making in Child Protective Cases

Marino & Wright’s initial examination of decision-making in child protective casesWhite Paper Presentation to State “A” Child Welfare DHHS Leadership, 2015 Dr. Wright and Dr. Marino with REAL Academy research and developed investigated latent investigative case impacts requiring mediation to adopt evidence-based practices in child protection cases. The key factors shared in this document are …

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