All Courses

Coming Soon

DBT Training

Dr. Marino and his team of Intensive In-Home experts walk you through the foundations of Dialectical Behavior Therapy and it's application with families in the home setting. You will learn the core skills of DBT as well as a collection of extra skills that build on the core set.

2 CEUs

Reflective Supervision

Dr. Marino and Pittman go through the need for Reflective Supervision in Social Services and how it can improve our internal workings to better serve the community. Plus, you will even see the tools in action.

2 CEUs

Eco Maps

Matt Hill truly enjoys offering useful tools that add value to the Child Welfare system to ultimately build up healthy families. The Eco Maps course is designed to do just that. You will find Matt’s guidance super practical and immediately useful.

2 CEUs

Substance Abuse Maltreatment Type

The REAL Academy is launching courses for each maltreatment type in Child Welfare. Dr. Kevin Marino digs into the science behind substance abuse, the typical behaviors of those who overuse, and how to process a case that involves this type of maltreatment.

1.5 CEUs

Preparing For Court

Who better to prepare you for court than an actual attorney? Susan Davis has tons of experience in and out of court and is dialed into how you can best be ready.

2 CEUs

Solution Cards

Matt has been teaching social workers and counselors on how and when to use Solutions Cards when working with children and families.


Petition Writing for Supervisors

In this course Dr. Kevin Marino and Susan Davis, JD highlight aspects of the supervisor’s responsibility in petition writing. They cover common mistakes and errors that can be resolved before taking the petition to the legal department.

2 CEUs

Petition Writing – The Court’s Perspective

Court documents and processes can be confusing. But fortunately our very own Susan Davis, JD has a lot to share on the Petition submission process. Plus, you will get a lot of follow along how-to guidance.


Understanding Bias

This course is all about explaining what non-demographic bias is and how it can interfere with our case work and producing objective outcomes for our clients. There are many types of bias but this course will zero in on 5 of the most common.

2 CEUs

Code of Ethics

This course is foundational to the entire population of classes in our academy. In this course Dr. Marino explains the importance of adhering to a code of ethics in social work. The REAL Academy uses the National Association of Social Workers (NASW) Code of Ethics as a guide to making wise decisions on the job.

What our Students Say

"I have thoroughly enjoyed the courses I have taken and look forward to taking more when I get the chance. I really feel like they are designed well and are easy to use."

Social Worker
Haywood County DSS

“Everything works very well, the mobile layout is great, everything is clean and simple to navigate just like on my laptop.”


“Where has this training been all my career?! I wish I would have had this when I started! Plus the Good Call tool has been a game changer. I’m using it every time I screen.”